D a v e  T h o r n s e n  P h o t o g r a p h y

hornsen Photography


contact dave

dock series

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Artist bio: I am a licensed psychologist by profession. I am an artist in the way I approach life. I believe that creative expression is essential when processing pain and crucial to the art of therapy.

Therapy for me is a creative and collaborative healing endeavor. My role as a psychologist is to wait for the right moment and then observe, interpret, and explore the emotion of that moment. I suppose it is not hard to understand that I would take the same approach to my photography.

I practice psychology in Grand Rapids, Michigan with The Fountain Hill Center and live in Spring Lake, Michigan with my wife and our 4 boys.

Artist statement: The artist is less defended. Therefore the artist is more aware of the pain. Unable to escape the uglier realities of life and the accompanying emotional pain, the artist must create. Create and process, communicate the truths, or question the assumed realities. Create or go insane.

As a psychologist I process the insanities of life, painful memories, losses, or unmet wishes through words and relationship. With my camera I strive to capture moments in time that elicit emotion.

This art is natural. This art is emotional. This art is relational.

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